The End Is Here

After five long years, Fred Clark has reached the final pages in his exhaustive deconstruction of Left Behind (fittingly enough, they include a phone call). If you would like to see the beginning, the first few pages are here, but the series really starts with Left Behind Is Evil.

Fred's analysis has run to much longer than the original book, but it's probably more entertaining (somebody really ought to collect the posts all together and have it printed up at Lulu-- far worse things have been done with print-on-demand). In addition to being funny and insightful, these posts are a great resource because they explain why Left Behind stinks from a Christian perspective. They show, in exhaustive detail, that LaHaye and Jenkins aren't just bad writers, they're bad theologians, pushing something that really isn't recognizable as the Christianity practiced by sane and reasonable people.

This is infinitely more valuable than mockery from outside the fold, and Fred Clark should be celebrated for writing it.


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