Thursday Baby Blogging 092508

Behold, the incredible expanding baby:


The "Smart Cookie" onesie she's wearing was also featured in the Week 4 picture, and now, it basically doesn't fit her any more (it's not fully buttoned under the blanket). We've already had to retire a couple of boxes of little-baby clothes, and she never did get to wear some of her newborn-sized outfits.

There are definite advances in other areas, too. She's awake and alert for longer periods, now (as you can see in the picture), and somewhat more frequently. She's also greatly expanded the range of little baby noises she makes, to include a bunch of cute cooing and gurgling noises between "sleeping" and "shrieking."

She still has some problems with gas/colic, but there's been a little less of that the last few days, which is great. I hope it's a pattern and not an aberration. Her feeding pattern is still not terribly regular, at least on paper. I'll update the graph this weekend, and we'll see if it provides any insight.

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