As you may or may not recall, last year's DonorsChoose fundraiser featured a few... unusual offers. At one point late in the proceedings, I offered to read and review a New Atheist screed for $1000 in new donations. And, since I had previously said that I would rather stab myself with a fork than read The God Delusion, I said I would stab myself with a fork for $750 in new donations.
I'm already offering a couple of aspirational incentives-- custom dog dialogues or a copy of the book-in-progress-- but I feel like I ought to have something to offer for passing the big milestones in this year's challenge. So, I'll throw this out to the audience:
What should I offer as a donation incentive if we reach the stated goal of $6,000?
There are limits-- I'm not shaving my head or getting a tattoo or anything like that-- but I'm open to suggestions, here. If there's something I could reasonably do or produce that would make a good incentive for passing the challenge goal, leave a comment suggesting it. If I get an idea that I like, I'll make an official announcement on the 15th.
And while you're thinking about it, why not make a donation?
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Give all of the students soon to be in Physics 122 an A?
Or how about a free book deal for some of your students?
That's cute ;). How about 'add me as a co-author to the next ten papers you write'? :)
Well, John Scalzi claimed you would dance like a monkey for a donation on his link to you. That sounds reasonable. And for extra money, you could dance with Appa.
Full mutton-chop whiskers.
Okay, I think Dr. Free-Ride's suggestion wins.
A short, but never before seen conversation with the queen of Niskayuna in the abstract or introduction of your next peer-reviewed publication.
I can understand not getting a tattoo, but what have you got against shaving your head? It's temporary...
Just curious.
I can understand not offering to get a tattoo or anything permanent like that. Even reading a book you don't want to is temporary (though its effects may not be).
But what have you got against shaving your head? Just that it's silly?
(And please understand, I'm just curious - I have no wish for you to shave your head or anything else.)
Drat. Sorry for the double post. :(