links for 2008-10-25


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Locus Online: Locus Magazine's Recommended Reading: 2007 A few books and stories to pass those quiet moments. (tags: books stories SF) Science in the 21st Century Conference participants include a bunch of really smart people with innovative ideas about the future of science and the interplay…
Stephen Huneck Gallery at Dog Mountain Vermont " I wanted to build a chapel, one that celebrated the spiritual bond we have with our dogs, and that would be open to dogs and people. People of any faith or belief system." (tags: dog religion art animals) Such Madness - New York Times Let the…
...My heart's in Accra » The Partisan Internet and the Wider World "I think the comparison between ideological isolation in media and in face to face encounters is more like comparing apples and hedgehogs. They're thoroughly different types of interactions and we should have very different…
Let's Play a Game, Part 2: Game Trees and Totally Finite Games « Intrinsically Knotted Classifying games based on possible moves and winning strategies. (tags: math science academia games) ...yet I'll hammer it out The Mentally Scarring Public Service Announcement Tournament. With YouTube…

"Legal experts weigh in"?

They are not the right people to judge how good a court decision is.

No, obviously that is more appropriate for phisosophers or even the general public - lawyers apply the law, not fairness!

We want supreme court decisions to be FAIR, lawful is just a proxy. And given the cumulative political influence some selfish people have had over the law, it's a very bad proxy.

The Gowachin had the only functional legal system: the winning lawyer killed the losing lawyer. "It was a practice which made for rare litigation and memorable court performances", The Dosadi Experiment Frank Herbert.

The recent Supreme Court patentability decision is a disaster.