links for 2008-11-17


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Mike the Mad Biologist : Why Aren't U.S. Toyota Workers Paid Better? "What has struck me throughout all of these discussions, however, is that Honda's and Toyota's current lower wages and benefits are seen as 'natural', while the Big Three's are seen as inflated. It's odd to hear progressives and…
Pop Quiz - Advanced Placement - Education Life - Interactive Quiz - A.P. Economics - Interactive Graphic - I got 14/18, which isn't all that bad if you consider that I never took economics at any level. (tags: economics business quiz) Think Progress » TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress To…
slacktivist: Sex & Money, part 2 "I'm being too polite here. I need to state this more vigorously because I need to put it in a way that will make my accusers fruitfully angry. So let me try this: The Bible is not a book about homosexuality and it will not allow itself to be treated as a book…
If Physical Books Are Dead in Five Years, How Do the Poor Find Books? Whither (or Wither?) the Library? : Mike the Mad Biologist "The great promise of our libraries is that, if you can physically get there (and for some services, even that isn't required), you have access to the materials, rich or…

I think the quote from the WaMo is a near-perfect encapsulation of the basic liberal attitude in economics. Well put and well picked.