links for 2008-12-11


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Like most people who pay attention to the news, I've been treated to several weeks of Republicans using the Detroit bailout as an excuse to bash unions. Like a broken record, it was easy to ignore for a while, but the repetitive droning of discredited canards (like $70/hr wages) is getting more…
Solar System Visualizer Look at those planets and moons go! (tags: astronomy planets science computing internet gadgets) Polar vortex replicated in a bucket - "The centre of the vortex is usually circular, but occasionally it assumes a triangular or even a square shape. Now…
Bad Baby Names - A Boy Named Sue, and a Theory of Names - John Tierney - New York Times "During his 1969 concert at San Quentin prison, Johnny Cash proposed a paradigm shift in the field of developmental psychology. " (tags: kid-stuff psychology science society culture music) Gen Ed Reform --…
nanoscale views: A (serious) modest proposal "As part of the forthcoming major economic stimulus package, I propose that the Obama administration fully fund the America Competes initiative immediately." (tags: science politics academia economics) 'Teaching Unprepared Students' :: Inside Higher…

Yup, Dot physics is unfortunately just wrong.

Yes, I know this comment is indistinguishable from the same kind of thing the crazy free energy people write. This stupid wind thing managed to fool a lot of respected people, unfortunately, now everything is chaos.