links for 2008-12-13


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Swans on Tea » How (not) to Cook the Books Fun with Benford's Law, one of those cool mathematical principles whose name I can never remeber. (tags: science math blogs youtube statistics) Chuck Klosterman reviews Chinese Democracy | The A.V. Club "Reviewing Chinese Democracy is not like…
Locus Online: Locus Magazine's Recommended Reading: 2007 A few books and stories to pass those quiet moments. (tags: books stories SF) Science in the 21st Century Conference participants include a bunch of really smart people with innovative ideas about the future of science and the interplay…
...My heart's in Accra » Sumo and the cycle of nature "Every two months, there's a 15-day basho. You can set your watch by it, if you happen to have one of those watches that's accurate only to the week." (tags: sports Japan drugs blogs) Basics: Making graphs with kinematics stuff | Dot…
The missing research program for space colonization -- "No amount of data about how the human body reacts to zero-G is going to answer the important question, which is: how does the human body react to extended periods under fractional gravity--like the moon's 1/6 G or Mars's .…