links for 2008-12-18


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Earlier today we asked readers to imagine an angry face. Then, in a surprise poll, we asked what gender the face was. So far our results match those of a study led by D. Vaughn Becker: over three-fourths of the responses were "male." In the published study, there was no difference in the response…
Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Raw Data "Which groups did Obama do especially well with? That is, which groups did he swing by margins substantially more than 9 points?" (tags: us politics math statistics social-science society) Easily Distracted » Blog Archive » Appalachia and Other…
Hope in a box: The A.V. Club's guide to holiday gifts for the new era of good feelings | The A.V. Club "Words like "need" or "necessary" lose all meaning around Christmas, even when the economy is collapsing. For example, does anyone actually need a flexible plastic case to prevent their bananas…
Guided By Voices | Music | A.V. Club "Dozens of people can say they were members of indie-rock institution Guided By Voices during its 21-year run, but the Dayton, Ohio-based band was chiefly a creative outlet for a music-obsessed former schoolteacher named Robert Pollard. And Pollard was very…