links for 2009-01-17


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'Columbine,' by Dave Cullen -- New York Magazine Book Review Most of what you think you know about the Columbine school shooting is wrong. (tags: society books review history media) The Laptop in the Classroom « Easily Distracted "I am sure there are students in my classes who have multitasked…
Acephalous: Concerning the inherent superiority of printed text to irresponsible online drivel. "Is it absolutely necessary for the image gracing the cover of the most recent issue of the official mouthpiece of my professional organization to depict something that, when seen on my desk by a…
Motorcycle tablecloth trick: could it be done? | Wired Science | "After watching this episode, a colleague had a great question: "How fast would the MythBusters have to go to make this trick work?" Interesting. In their last attempt, they had the motorcycle going around 100 mph. It did'…
Race and the Full Court Press at Racialicious - the intersection of race and pop culture A good piece on the creepy racial subtext of that Malcolm Gladwell article. (I can stop posting about that any time I want to. Really.) (tags: race culture sports basketball society) Confessions of a…