Buddhists Are Citizens Too

Lots of people are giving Obama props for the shout-out to atheists in his inaugural address, but I'm deeply concerned about what he said. Or, rather, what he didn't say:

We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and non-believers.

Where are the Buddhists? He left out a major world religion!

"Oh, well, what harm can it do?" you may be thinking. "There aren't that many Buddhists in the US, after all, and they're not really concerned with worldly things." This is a dangerously naive view of the world.

If pop culture teaches us anything, it's don't mess with the Buddhists. The smiling little bald dude in the saffron robe may look harmless, but if you provoke him, he will mess you up.

For the sake of the nation, I call on President Obama to issue an immediate apology, before Pai Mei and his five-point palm exploding heart technique come into play. We can't afford the chaos that would result.

Unless, of course, Obama spent those childhood years in Indonesia learning some kick-ass martial arts (hey, man, it could happen). In which case, pass the popcorn.

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As members of a non-theistic tradition, Buddhists are technically "non-believers".

However, I doubt that Obama, his speech writers, or snubbed American Buddhists everywhere thought of it that way.

Were they written in and omitted in the moment of delivery, or never in the speech at all?

By Jason Failes (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

If anything, Pai Mei is a Taoist (of course, Obama didn't mention them either). He left out quite a few religions didn't he? The Secret Service is going to be working overtime protecting the POTUS from all the various curses being flung at him by assorted shamans, medicine men, and priests.

What about Jians and Sikhs too?

Man, he totally dicked over the non-brahminical Indian religions. Screw you Obama....

His nod to non-believers proves what a smart guy Obama is. I can tell by my subsequent sense of empowerment. If he snubbed the Buddhists, he obviously had good reason to do so--he is a smart man, you know. In fact, I think that it's high time that we start rounding up all the "jolly fat man idolaters" and putting them in concentration camps. Hail!

For the sake of the nation, I call on President Obama to issue an immediate apology, before Pai Mei and his five-point palm exploding heart technique come into play. We can't afford the chaos that would result.

Or worse, Tae Kwon Leap.

Can you imagine if the speech had to mention all the world religions that might be practised in America...it would have been almost as boring and irritating as Rick Warren's.

By Richard Eis (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

#8: He could sing them all Animaniac style, but that would probably spoil the moment.

By Left_Wing_Fox (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

"In fact, I think that it's high time that we start rounding up all the "jolly fat man idolaters" and putting them in concentration camps."

We did that during WWII. (Though the "jolly fat man" is Ho Tai, a Chinese legendary figure, not the Buddha. Who is not an idol.)

The real question is, when do we get a Buddhist president?

I think if they're going to start listing specific religions in speeches, they need to list them all. It'll take all damned day. Most of the world is getting dissed on a daily basis by all these politicians who want to sound "inclusive". Since when were the world's religions limited to Christians, Muslims, and Jews? (all Abrahamic religions, btw.) Have you noticed that? We can't get a shout-out to the Neo-Pagans or the Swaminarayans? Where's the love, man? If they just said "faith" or "religion", at least then I could just pretend they were talking about mine. Obama was brave enough to mention atheists in public...I suppose that's progress of sorts.

This is why the White House doesn't have a steep roof. It's so the film crews can have easier access when filming the President's fight on the roof in the rain.

By Captain Obvious (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

Godsdamnit, Obvious. Now I have the urge to animate a Presidential Kung-Fu Deathmatch. Forty-four Presidents enter, one President leaves!

#13 -

My money's on Jackson. The man had some mad ass-kicking skills.

By AtheistAcolyte (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Did one feel Buddhists are so little in number that its mention was not important....yes if it was....but its not.
The truth is there are more Buddhist than there are Muslims, and Hindus respectively in US (wikipedia)and growing fastest whether snubbed or not. True Buddhists will continue to work for universal love and compassion no matter what. But becoz we show more tolerance its not a reason why we cant have Obama acknowlege the wrong impression he gave. He can make mistakes...Can't he? Intentionally or unintentionally the impression he gave must be pointed out to him. Its a justified one. Its for his own good too. And please note that I love Obama too and my relatives had voted for him.