links for 2009-02-27


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The consensus piece of apologetics for Jindal's anti-USGS remarks appears to be to claim that even though volcano monitoring is, of course, a worthwhile investment, it is not economically stimulating, and therefore does not belong in the stimulus bill. To claim that this is what Jindal was actually… Customer Reviews: Selected Nuclear Materials and Engineering Systems "I know what you're thinking : crystallographic and thermodynamic data of ternary alloy systems is a such a hackneyed plot device. But Landolt-Börnstein work their magic in such a subtle and layered way that at 3am…
Jobs, News and Views for All of Higher Education - Inside Higher Ed :: More Doctors of Philosophy (and Science) The number of Ph.D.'s awarded goes up, but most of the increase is among foreign-born researchers. (tags: academia US education) Confessions of a Community College Dean: Access and…
nanoscale views: What does it mean for a material to be an "insulator"? "We broadly lump solids into two groups, those that conduct electricity and those that don't. Materials in the latter category are known as insulators, and it turns out that there are at least three different kinds." (tags:…