links for 2009-03-15

  • "Let me throw just a few statistics at you, just to illustrate how important vaccines have been in the increasing quality of public health in the US alone.

    * The incidence of polio dropped to nearly zero by 1960 (polio vaccine introduced in 1955)
    * Measles cases dropped sharply between 1955 and 1970 (measles vaccine introduced in 1963)
    * The incidence of congenital rubella syndrome dropped from an estimated 20,000 in 1964 to 7 in 1983 (the rubella vaccine was introduced in 1967)"

  • "Do my eyes deceive me, or are those citations meant to substantiate the absolute wonderfulness of Corrine Glesne? Is this a cheap scheme to up the number of times people are cited in professional indexes? If so, how is it nobodyâsâwait a minute. I just had an idea. "
  • "The basic drive behind the Daily Showâs criticism of CNBC is that at the end of the day, truth matters. Getting it right matters. That itâs time to cowboy up and act like adults, to be responsible for what we say in public. To wipe off the clown makeup when weâre performing in roles where what we do is consequential. "
  • "While economists have been taking a beating for not predicting the future correctly, it is useful to remember that when you take a physicist to the real world, he too has little to say. Consider our understanding of our solar system, a seemingly straightforward issue."
  • "This leap from sexual orientation to a presumption of militant hatred is illuminating. L&J's visceral opposition to the presumed militant feminists/lesbians is proclaimed as a defense of sexual morality, but that claim is ironic, since lurking just below the surface here is a staggering sexual incontinence. Their cartoonish depiction of the militant Verna Zee is simply L&J's expression of frat-boy douchebag sexual entitlement. Their purported complaint that she fails to display a requisite femininity or wifely submission seems really just the insistence that women -- all women -- provide universal sexual access. They are saying, in effect, "If you don't agree to have sex with me when I want, whenever I want, then you must be a lesbian. A militant lesbian.""

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slacktivist: Saving newspapers "I'm glad at least though that Time and Isaacson are trying to deal with the question of newspapers' survival. That's more than I can say for many of the newspapers themselves. Take for example my employer, the largest newspaper chain in the country. They own dozens…
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truth matters

Nonsense, heresy, and treason. Darth Cheney, Gitmo detainees, and Homeland Severity uncreated any conceptualization of truth. Social engineering, income redistribution, rights; social promotion and diversity in education. Paying $15/pill for pharma. The Wars on Drugs, Poverty, Terrorism. If truth mattered the Higgs, SUSY, SUGRA, and string theory would be dust; psychology and psychiatry would be carnival 10-in-1 exhibits; religion would be an unpleasant memory like pediculosis.

Truth? Truth is intellectual canthariasis. Truth and morality are defined by situational convenience of the moment. April 15th is coming. Lady Godiva rode in 1040 to protest her husband's heinous taxation of his people. Winston Churchill made certain Coventry got it good and hard on 14th November 1940. There's your truth.