links for 2009-04-19


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Project Steve member, Nobel Prize winner, and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu talks to the Times: Was anyone in your family impressed when you won the Nobel Prize in Physics? Probably, but who knows? I called my mother up when they announced the Nobel Prize, waiting until 7 in the morning. She said…
Faraday's Cage is where you put Schroedinger's Cat - Why you might want to live in ND... "My rural area friends have commented on this same trend. Most kids don't do anything unsupervised in cities and spend all of their time indoors. School is making this worse. Kids are being given ever more…
Cocktail Party Physics: dial-a-scientist "It all started Wednesday, when I got an email from Brandon Webb, who handles PR for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at UT Dallas. He wanted to know if I could talk to a reporter who wanted to know whether a Styrofoam cup could break a…
Adventures in Ethics and Science: Data paparazzi. Is it ethical to write a paper based on a snapshot of a data slide at a conference? (tags: ethics science publishing physics academia) Jonathan Martin's Blog: Democrat reader email of the day (so far) - "Mrs. Palin needs to be…