links for 2009-04-25


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weir3 / Instant Mentor / Advice / Home - Inside Higher Ed "Unless youâre a botanist or geologist thereâs no pedagogical reason to teach outside. The first gorgeous day of spring semester will bring a clamor to meet underneath the spreading maple students spy from the window. Donât do it! That…
Patrick Welsh -- To Explain the Achievement Gap, Examine the Parenting Gap - "My students knew intuitively that the reason they were lagging academically had nothing to do with race, which is the too-handy explanation for the achievement gap in Alexandria. And it wasn't because…
Colliding Galaxies For Fun and For Science! : Starts With A Bang "Galaxy Zoo has developed an outstanding game where you can help astronomers by doing something that humans easily defeat computers at: visually matching galaxies to simulations!" (tags: science astronomy computing internet blogs…
The Washington Monthly "It's simple, really. If a private school wants to discriminate, fine. I don't like it, but it's a private religious entity. Don't, however, discriminate and then ask the government to use tax dollars to subsidize the institution." (tags: education politics US religion)…

When reading and examining different theories, I think that those people creating them had some idea. However, I can't believe in them , but still don't have my own. i'm a bit sceptical.

By Odszkodowania … (not verified) on 25 Apr 2009 #permalink

I loved the "Beer Practice" article!

I'll wager that the real problem is that the women's softball team is jealous. I know our co-ed intramural softball team would have had beer on the practice field if it didn't get in the way of running the bases, and used "beer fines" to punish players who didn't run out a fly ball, etc.

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 25 Apr 2009 #permalink