Thursday Baby Blogging 052809

This week, a special Literary Edition:


Those are the first pass typeset proofs for the book, which just arrived in the mail today. Aren't they adorable?

Oh, okay, fine. You're just here for the conventional cute baby pictures:


SteelyKid's rapidly expanding bag of tricks now includes standing up. More or less. She can haul herself up into a standing position more often than not, and can steady herself on solid objects. Kate's ready to catch her if she falls, but not really holding her in this picture.

She doesn't really crawl in the usual way, but she can scoot around surprisingly quickly with one leg sort of folded under her. It's hard to describe, and works a lot better than you would think.

It's hard to believe that even six months ago, she could only lie where she was put...

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The book looks good, but Steelykid is far cuter.

I already put the book on my list on Amazon.

You could do more videos with the Emmy! That's as good as a Steelykid video.

Cutest picture yet!

By Jo Walton (not verified) on 29 May 2009 #permalink