links for 2009-06-25

  • "[A]t work, I can wear, say, a gray suit, and be both situationally appropriate and utterly impersonal. On dress down days, the alternate uniform of tie-less Oxford and khakis (or a close variant) gets the job done. There's nothing terribly interesting about either ensemble, but that's precisely the point. I don't have to think about them, and neither does anybody else. They're like driving unmarked cars. I go where I want without calling undue attention to myself.

    Except that they aren't. Over the last couple of weeks, on three separate occasions, I've run into people from the college out in the world, and they've all had the same reaction. "I didn't recognize you without the suit."

    Hmm. If the markings were truly neutral, that wouldn't happen."

  • "Since the days of Un Chien Andalou and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, filmmakers have reached beyond meaning. But with this summer's biggest, loudest movie, Michael Bay takes us all the way inside Caligari's cabinet. And once you enter, you can never emerge again. I saw this movie two days ago, and I'm still living inside it. Things are exploding wherever I look, household appliances are trying to kill me, and bizarre racial stereotypes are shouting at me."
  • "Given the importance in Berlusconi's agenda of his frequent libertine parties, which in the only undisputed case of a sexual encounter drove him to miss an official ceremony -this was in the aftermath of a night with Patrizia D'Addario-, I thus venture to suggest Rocco Siffredi (right) for a suitable replacement of our Prime Minister (left). Besides being thirty years younger than Silvio, Rocco has quite evident physical characteristics, which have made him a very appreciated porn star, known worldwide. Here are some of the counts on which he beats Silvio pants down -sorry, I meant hands down"
  • "Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join a voyage to Antarctica. Do you have a passion for the polar regions? A commitment to the environment? An insatiable urge to photograph penguins?

    Post your entry and tell the world why you should be our blogger. Be creative! On September 30, 2009, the entrant with the most number of votes will be selected as the winner."

    (James Armstrong is the entrant I know, if you'd just like someone to vote for)

  • "I could go and bother one of the physics people and ask them if I could work in their lab. But this is 2009, damnit, and that 2 in 2009 certainly stands for web 2.0 or science 2.0 or iTechnology 2.0. In other words I want the same effect of visiting an experimental lab without getting of my lazy bum and walking across campus. So..."

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