"After a week of unconvincing denials, the Obama administration reversed course today and released photos of the "death panel" that would, under a proposed new health-care system, make decisions about "when to pull the plug on grandma":"
"Hard science fiction (think Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Larry Niven) has been on the decline since the end of the Golden Age of Science Fiction, i.e. for about half a century at this point, so if you're writing in this area your sales will probably be modest at best. Cyberpunk, military, and fantasy are a different story, though; from what I can tell, those genres have been on the up and up in recent months."
I, for one, welcome our coming robot overl-- I mean, chauffeurs.
"Although the individual stages or groups of stages in quantum computing have been demonstrated previously, this new device is said to perform a complete set of quantum logic operations without significant amounts of information being lost in transit. As a result, the device represents an important step in the quest for a practical quantum computer, say the researchers based at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, Colorado. "
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