Links for 2009-08-12

  • "The good news, however is this: fantasy is actually doing all right, and in many instances, sales of fantasy books are up over last year's sales. Without quoting you exact BookScan numbers, I can tell you that fantasy book sales are up at my house by roughly 10%, which is the number currently being quoted for most of the major trade publishers."
  • "Frankly, my dealings with the government, on average, are better than most of my dealings with corporations. The government might sometimes provide poor customer service just because they lack the motivation to do better, but corporate America routinely provides crappy customer service as part of a deliberate and minutely planned strategy. I'll take my chances with the feds."
  • "One of the two key reasons why most faculty don't post and don't want to post. A lot of faculty suffer from some degree of the "imposter syndrome", maybe to an increasing degree as time goes on. They feel they don't really know their fields or subjects as well as they ought to, or imagine that everyone else in the field knows more. They worry that people in more high-powered institutions, or people with the top graduate students, know the true or proper canons. So many faculty don't want to post syllabi because they're afraid it will expose some lack or absence in their knowledge. "
  • "I need a web cam in my fridge. I'm at work, and don't know if I need to go grocery shopping on my way home. If I don't need to, but I go anyway, I'll have too much lettuce, and it will go bad. If I DO need to, and I don't go, then I'll have nothing for dinner.

    If I could just call up my webcam on my computer at work and survey my fridge, that would tell me all I need to know"


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