Links for 2009-08-16


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Following on yesterday's post, we read that Rick Perlstein has similar thoughts: Conservatives have become adept at playing the media for suckers, getting inside the heads of editors and reporters, haunting them with the thought that maybe they are out-of-touch cosmopolitans and that their duty as…
Green Energy Should Trump Politics: Daniel Lyons | Newsweek Daniel Lyons | Techtonic Shifts | "[L]ook at what [scientists] are up against: a noisy babble of morons and Luddites, the "Drill, baby, drill" crowd, the birthers, and tea-party kooks who have done their best to derail…
US LHC Blog » Higgs Hunting News "Depending on what the mass of the Higgs boson is, it will decay into other particles that are easier or harder for an experiment to detect. So for example if the mass turns out to be about 170 GeV, the Tevatron experiments say their chances are almost 100…
A Wily Road Warrior's Airport Tips Frank Luntz on how to survive modern air travel. (tags: travel society US) Drivers on cell phones clog traffic I am shocked-- shocked!-- to learn that talking on the phone impairs drivers. (tags: psychology US stupid science news) Jon Swift: Best Blog Posts…