Links for 2009-12-06


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Study finds many motorists don't see need to heed speed limits A result that will surprise approximately nobody with a driver's license. (tags: social-science news law silly) Better Late Than Never?: Titanic | The A.V. Club "If only every woman in the world was periodically forced to choose…
Spins spotted in room-temperature silicon - "Physicists in the Netherlands are the first to show that spin-polarized electrons can be injected into silicon at room temperature. The team injected the electrons into both p-type and n-type silicon and measured how long the…
Boo! The optics behind "ghost" imaging « Skulls in the Stars "Ghost imaging is in fact a fascinating and relatively new technique in which a detector can produce an image of an object that it cannot see! The physics behind this effect is somewhat subtle, and resulted in at least one minor…
P.G. Wodehouse | Books | A.V. Club "Logistics and aesthetics stand in the way of anyone wishing to dive into P.G. Wodehouseâs canon. His work sprawls over 90 books published over 75 years, most of which are constantly sneaking in and out of print, many of which have different British and American…