Worst. Course Evaluations. EVER.

Everybody in academia has a story about the worst teaching evaluations they've ever received. None of them will ever be able to top James Marchbanks of UC Davis, though:

Two documents obtained by The Bee on Wednesday illustrate vastly different interpretations of what happened in a UC Davis acting class last week that led campus police to arrest an instructor and have him jailed for four days.

A University of California, Davis, police declaration supporting the arrest of James Marchbanks describes the fear three students reportedly felt when he presented an envelope holding end-of-course evaluations by saying, "I have a bomb."

Sadly, the article does not say how he did on the evaluations...


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I've written some harsh evaluations in my time, but I've never had a professor thrown in jail.

By John Novak (not verified) on 11 Dec 2009 #permalink

Three students out of 150 did not get a poor joke told by a drama TA. Obviously he isn't a polished lecturer as those three were unable to comprehend the intent. But noooooooo, campus security and the Davis police didn't over-react...
Such a shame this country has degraded to a nation of idiots, looking to fools for guidance and now apparently afraid of their own shadow.

By Onkel Bob (not verified) on 11 Dec 2009 #permalink

Well, that tops the evaluation I filled out in human blood....