Musical Poll: Ten Years, Ten Songs

Everybody with an opinion seems to be doing a decadal wrap-up of one sort or another, but I'm too tired to do anything serious. So, I'll let you do it for me: here's a list of ten songs that are, in my mind, inextricably bound up with the events of the decade. Which of them do you like the best?

I'm not claiming that these are necessarily the best songs of the decade-- some of them aren't even the best song on their album-- but these are songs that, years from now, I'll hear and it will instantly be 200x in my head. Which ought to count for something.

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The TV show "Glee" has a CD out that showed up in my house for Christmas. One of the songs was "Rehab". I thought that was a little out of character for something called "Glee" (I haven't seen the show, I'm too old.)

As for your poll, I'm too old to participate. I only recognized the first song on the list. I was hoping to see "Whipping Post" or "The Hurricane".

Happy New Year to you and your family.

There's been a lot of good music in the decade, but nobody has resonated so personally or earwormed me so successfully as the Weakerthans. Great choice, that.

Happy New Year to you and your family. May 2010 be filled with major joys and simple pleasures for you and yours.

Reconstruction Site is one of the truly beautiful songs of the last year. Glad to see it included.