Links for 2010-01-11


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Against Craft « Booklife ""Craft" today is not a counter to the Romantic vision of an artistic elite chosen by the Divine, it is a quasi-proletarian flinch often designed to protect one's work from being compared to art, thus protecting it (and one's ego) from its near-inevitable failure to…
Wave interference: where does the energy go? « Skulls in the Stars The two waves cancel each other out, leaving a completely unmoving string due to destructive interference. My student asked me: what happens to the energy? As posed, it seems that we started with two waves carrying energy, but…
Michelson and the President (1869) « Skulls in the Stars "I'm currently working my way through the book The Master of Light: a Biography of Albert A. Michelson (1973), written by one of his daughters, Dorothy Michelson Livingston. I typically find the beginnings of biographies to be rather slow…
kitchen table math, the sequel: alternate universe "While visiting schools in a variety of districts, I began to notice something that puzzled me. Some of these schools, particularly those with large numbers of poor and minority children, are working against daunting â some would say unreasonable…

The Jan/Feb Atlantic also has a nifty article about challenges America faces. To summarize: the open society attractive to immigrants rocks, the universities do too, but the government is deeply dysfunctional, and not really fixable.

By Johan Larson (not verified) on 11 Jan 2010 #permalink