Links for 2010-01-26

  • "Scientists have proposed that there is a new, exotic type of star living in our universe that we haven't seen yet. The so-called "electroweak stars", if they exist, will be difficult to detect because they mostly emit neutrino's - subatomic particles which, for the most part, don't interact with ordinary matter."
  • "Today my attention was caught by a triad of papers casually listed one after the other: written by different authors, but all on topics closely connected to an issue that these days a particle physicist cannot avoid paying attention to: one which presently constitutes the largest deviation of experimental measurements from standard model predictions. I am talking about the so-called "anomalous magnetic moment of the muon", which is currently lying 3.1 standard deviations above theoretical predictions."
  • "It's rare that my co-workers and hip-hop become obsessed with the same thing. But The A.V. Club and hip-hop broadcast their love of The Wire from the mountains. I felt like I had to catch up with the show just so I'd be able to catch the Wire references that litter hip-hop songs. A show must be pretty fucking brilliant for hip-hop to embrace a phenomenon whose heroes are all cops, informants, and homosexuals."

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YouTube - Real Word Problems From My Physics Book - PH17 Amazingly, this isn't the silliest problem I've seen in an intro physics book... (tags: education physics science silly video youtube) Twitter / @busynessgirl/Calcwars Newton, Leibniz, meet Twitter. Twitter, Isaac Newton and Gottfried…
Physics Buzz: Space invaders: cosmic rays arrive for their 100th birthday "Cosmic rays constantly bombard earth's atmosphere at a rate of about 100 per square meter per second, but they don't make it through intact. They collide with atmospheric molecules, setting of a cascading shower of…
Physics Buzz: Watch this! "Forget the cheesy narrator and hokey graphics. Wobble the camera like you're Michel Gondry filming Eternal Sunshine. Ditch the pseudo-techno soundtrack that makes the kids shake their heads at you for trying to be hip, and go for something understated. Then you might…
Bad Boys | Film | A.V. Club "From this rich central dynamic, all manner of hilarity springs. Smith is fastidious about the upkeep of his expensive sports car. Lawrence is a slob who gets his messy hamburger all over its glistening interior! How will they ever be able to work together? My…

I love the link about The Wire. I just recently started watching the series for a second time around and I think it's actually better than the first. The stories are so complex that it is impossible to remember everything that is going to happen. Simultaneously, it is really interesting to see what little details jump out at you when you don't have to focus quite as hard on following the story. Brilliant stuff!