Links for 2010-02-01


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slacktivist: Oh, and Tony Perkins? He lies. A lot. For money. "Please don't clutch your pearls and get the vapors that such an impolite thing is stated so honestly. That Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council lies a lot in order to scare people into sending him money is not surprising, or…
The automatic blog posting that usually produces the daily links dump posts here has been broken during the recent ScienceBlogs upgrade. The links dump posts from last Thursday on didn't happen, but we've kludged up a way to get that material back. These are the links that should've…
The Trouble with Scientists | Speakeasy Science "Scientists won't talk to journalists; they don't want to waste their time "dumbing it down"; they don't see it as "making us smarter." So many of the good stories in science don't get covered at all. Or the stories get covered only for an already…
Fafblog! the whole world's only source for Fafblog. ""Giblets is detached," says Giblets. "Where is the warmth of the heart of the fiery fires of the human experience? Giblets demands more feeling!" "And though their love was deep and fierce and right and true it was doomed from the start," says…

I enjoyed the fact that it was Felix Salomon who said this: "Essentially the problem is that the people on the panel have internalized the principles of comparative advantage and free trade to the point at which they are more or less incapable of thinking any other way."

I doubt that 5% of humanity has really internalized the principle of comparative advantage. Felix Salomon is perhaps in the 0.1% who have internalized the principle, and come out the other side, to a more sophisticated understanding of the world.