Despite my best efforts to sleep late and miss my flight, I made it to the airport with plenty of time to get on my flight to DC. Which means that I will, i fact, be giving a talk TODAY at 3:30 pm at the University of Maryland, College Park in the Lecture Hall (room 1110) in the Kim Engineering Building. The title of the talk is "Talking to My Dog About Science: Why Public Communication of Science Matters, and How Weblogs Can Help."
If you're in the DC area, and not stuck in a long line to buy bread and milk in advance of the coming Snowpocalypse, come to my talk, which will feature at least some book-related material. Only squirrel lovers would pass up this kind of opportunity to hear about dog physics in person.
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I'd go except driving from rockville to where you are is no fun.
I'd love to go, but there's that work thing (in Rockville--hi JohnV) that gets in the way.
Rumor has it that the Engineering Building, which I assume is the Kim Engineering Building (there was only one engineering building back in my day) was constructed to resemble a slide rule. I had to work a little bit to see that.
I'd much rather be joining the line outside room 1110, but alas, I need to cram here at the office in preparation for Sno-zilla 2010.
You don't want my 4 year old at your talk.
I'm a dog owning, squirrel loving reader of your book, so where does that leave me?
Enjoying the book so far (just got to the chapter on many-worlds interpretation). I read it to our son, but he was more interested in the flavor than the words. Perhaps he'll be more interested when his age is no longer commonly measured in months. :)
Joseph @6: I'm interested in reading the book, and I'm about 514.5 months old.
@7: Note the use of the word "commonly" ;)
Great talk. Wish I could've hung around for discussion afterwards, but had to return to work. Will be buying your
book soon. And no, I do not love squirrels; thank goodness they're not shiny, or no work would EVER get done.
Thank you; that was a great talk, and it was great to meet you.
I am also somewhat amused that someone beat me to commenting on here. (Hi Newlin!)
Sorry I missed your talk.
Hope you're enjoying your visit to the DC area.