Dog Physics in Alabama?

It looks like I may well be getting together with some friends from college in Alabama on the first weekend in October, to go to a college football game. The logistics of getting to Tuscaloosa make this seem like an awfully long weekend, but I would feel guilty taking two days off just for football and college nostalgia.

It occurs to me, though, that the state of Alabama contains many fine educational institutions, which must have physics departments and students. If any of them would be interested in hearing a talk from me (I can talk about research (single-atom trapping for radioactive background evaluation), blogging and why it's important, or quantum mechanics for dogs-- basically, any of the topics in my presentations on SlideShare), I'd be happy to come down a day or so early to give a talk (or more than one, if the timing works).

So, if you're at a physics department in Alabama or thereabouts and would like a cheap colloquium/ public lecture, or if you know somebody at a university in Alabama who might like a cheap colloquium/ public lecture, send me email, and we'll talk.

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I am a (contractor) research meteorologist for NASA in Huntsville. We are collocated with the UAH Atmospheric Science Department (mostly graduate students). If you want to give something more general, like about science blogging, to a bunch of meteorologists and astronomers (also in my building) I can see if there is any interest. This is my center's home page.
The space science group has a Friday 10:30 colloquium, although the schedule is woefully out of date.
Email me if you want me to try to set something up.

I am not affiliated at all with the physics department but here is the contact information for the seminar coordinator.

By Clay Blankenship (not verified) on 14 Jul 2010 #permalink