Tell Me Something I Don't Know

I'm unaccountably sleepy today, and I have work to do, which is keeping me from deep, insightful blogging. So I'm going to punt, and throw this open to you all:

Leave me a comment telling me something I don't already know.

Well, OK, since I can't reasonably expect you to be mind-readers, that should be "tell me something that you think I won't be likely to know already," but you get the idea.

It could be trivia, it could be an important fact about something or another, it could be a pointer to an entertaining book or web page. Hopefully it won't be anything that it's not legal or advisable for you to share in a public forum, but that's more your problem than mine.

So, go ahead. Tell me something I don't already know.


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So, remember back in December, I wrote a post about a Cantor crank who had a Knol page supposedly refuting Cantor's diagonalization? This week, I foolishly let myself get drawn into an extended conversation with him in comments. Since it's a comment thread on an old post that had been inactive…

Fried blood sausage over potato-apple stew is a great dish when the snow flakes fly horizontally (it's good on other days too, but it gets better once the temperature is below 10 F).

Competitive modern sailplanes have glide ratios over 50:1 -- one metre down, fifty metres forward.

By Johan Larson (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

Of the hundreds to thousands of UFO reports the air force actively investigated during Project Blue Book (back when they still acknowledged investigating UFO reports), a surprisingly high 15-20% were ruled "unexplainable," despite the very, very generous application of "explained".


Francis Gary Powers, having survived the U-2 crash in the Soviet Union, later died in a helicopter crash in Los Angeles, where he worked as a reporter.

Tin comes in two allotropes one of which is stable at temperatures a bit below freezing. This form is more voluminous than the high temperature form, and as a result stuff made of tin - such as organ pipes - start disintegrating in freezing temperatures in a process dubbed Tin Pest before people understood what was going on.

But everyone knows that.

67% of adults are overweight or obese, 58% of cats are overweight or obese, and 45% of dogs are overweight or obese. Humans are still the #1 species! Oh wait, that's a Bad Thing.

Something I learned this weekend was that Indium dissolves in mercury very rapidly, and once dissolved the resulting amalgam wets Pyrex glass. There also appeared to be an appreciable heat of solution though I didn't measure it quantitatively (or bother to look it up).

By Eric Juve (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

How big is California? Yreka (Quantum Pontiff Dave's hometown) is actually closer to Vancouver, BC (636 miles) than it is to Los Angeles (640 miles).

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

Because he's Canadian, and still up-and-coming, I doubt you know that Jeffery Straker is an awesome singer/pianist/songwriter. I'm a big fan, especially since he let me arrange one of his pieces for my show chorus.

You can hear his songs on his website (which I'm going to leave as something to Google, lest anyone think I am Straker - his site comes up as the first hit).

The Dutch East Indies lost to Hungary 6-0 in the first round of the 1938 World Cup.

A professor asked recently, so I calculated that one terabyte in punch cards would be a 1,500-mile high stack of cards. My mind boggled and I still can't believe it, but others have checked out the numbers and it seems about right.

1,099,511,627,776 bytes, or 1tb
divided by 80 bytes per card =
13,743,895,347 punch cards, times .007 inches, the thickness of a punch card =
96,207,267 inches, divided by 12 inches per foot =
8,017,272 feet, divided by 5,280 feet in a mile =
1,518 mile-high stack of punch cards to equal 1tb.

The 13th day of the month falls more often on Friday than on any other day of the week.

By Andrew G. (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

Chris Solinsky was the first person not born in Africa to run 10K in under 27 minutes this spring and he was the tallest and heaviest person ever to do it - by big margins. He was the first person over 150 lbs to do it and he weighed 162-164 (according to him). He is 6'1" and the average height is around 5'6".

My daughter's guinea pig died yesterday (it was 6 years old), and we are holding the funeral today.

The deceased will be buried in a Converse shoe box, and my son will play taps on the trumpet.

I'm wondering if you knew that the Incas used to sacrifice white guinea pigs by the thousands. When the conquistadors came through, they had planned to wipe out guinea pigs as they were considered indigenous religious symbols, but the first bishop of Lima in the 16th century refused to allow the mass extermination of guinea pigs because he feared it would spark a violent uprising. Indian artists who were forced to create Catholic religious art often added guinea pigs into their artworks.

In the cathedral of Cuzco in Peru, the painting of the Last Supper depicts Jesus and his disciples dining on roasted guinea pig.

We, however, will simply be burying ours.

I got to school early to pick up my daughter today. Pulled out the Kindle and rather than buying a new book decided to go through "How to teach physics..." again.

But more interesting is that in Botswana in the early 1990's AIDS was thought to, due largely to distrust of the U.S., stand for "American Idea to Discourage Sex".

The world's supply of IP addresses is going to run out sometime in the next 200-300 days. At that point, all IPv4 addresses will have been distributed to regional IP registries.

About half a year later, most likely Asia is going to run out of their regional supply, the other regions a few months after that. From then on, a new server put on the Internet might only be accessible to users who are IPv6 compatible (at this moment by far the minority of Internet-connected people).

In perfumery, the rocklike substance called "Africa stone" is actually the fossilized excrement of the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis, and is used as a cruelty-free alternative to such animal-derived materials as musk and civet. Interestingly, the tiny hyrax is also a surprisingly close relative of the elephant.

âEven the word âscienceâ comes from an Indo-European root meaning âto cutâ or âto separate.â The same root led to the word âshit,â which of course means to separate living flesh from nonliving waste. The same root gave us âscytheâ and âscissorsâ and âschism,â which have obvious connections to the concept of separation.â
- Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash, p. 195

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

A ten gallon cowboy hat actually only holds 6 pints (3/4 of a gallon).

By Jim Rothwell (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

In the wargame Advanced Squad Leader it is possible to win by stealing your opponents equipment and driving off with it.

@Andrew G: In the past 28 years, the 13th of each month has occurred on each day of the week exactly four times. This is true for any 28 year period which does not include a non-leapyear ending in 00.

By Rick Pikul (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

If you don't have a microwave or a stove, you can still make instant oatmeal at room temperature by letting it sit in the milk or water for ten minutes or so.

You can also re-heat leftovers by leaving them in a closed car... at least, you can in summer in Texas.

If you line a crucible with a half-inch layer of fireclay mixed 50/50 with powdered magnetite (Fe3O4), it will reach a red-heat in a microwave oven in about 5 minutes. You can use this to melt lead, pewter, and similar low-melting alloys. In principle, it should be able to melt aluminum and brass as well, but this appears to require adding a lid and insulation to keep down the heat loss.

@Rick: it's easy to demonstrate that the equal numbers don't hold over longer periods: the calendar repeats exactly after 400 years, which is 4800 months, which is not divisible by 7. So there has to be some inequality in the distribution of the day of the week of the 13th, and it just so happens that Friday is the day that comes up most often.

By Andrew G. (not verified) on 24 Aug 2010 #permalink

hot water freezes faster than cold water when putting it into the freezer

Beer trivia: The red triangle on the Bass Ale label is the oldest continuously used registered trademark in the world.

1) Quantum Cascade Lasers

- actually you may know this one

2) What is Reality?

- nobody knows the answer to this question, but you know the answer better than most. That's why we have people like you, right? Also a cool link to the best Intro to QM for the general public I have ever read, unless you can suggest a better one.

3) The Detroit Lions

- nobody understands this NFL team

Over half the US States (26, to be precise), include territory north of the southernmost territory of Canada.

Free chlorine in your pool is a measurement of two factors... hypochlorite ion and hypochlorous acid. Of the two hypochlorite ion has the far better kill rate, but it appears in greater proportion at lower pH (e.g. 7.2, 7.3). That is why you try to keep your pH at 7.5 or lower (but not lower than 7.2 or it will burn you eyes)

Arthur Conan Doyle introduced the sport of downhill skiiing to Switzerland.

i am holding three fingers behind my back.

Under the pen name "N. Wilkinson", Graham Greene won second prize in a contest for parodies of his own writing style in New Statesman magazine.

Black and white ruffed lemurs, whose natural diet is generraly comprised of around 75% fruit, have an oro-rectal through time of between 1.75 and 3.5 hours. The waste is poorly digested and comes to mind any time I'm around over-ripe fruit on a warm day.

Suffocation - Pierced From Within is probably the best death metal album ever released.

Kayaks are typically designed with a tendency to face into the wind. This is termed weather-cocking. It's not really possible to design a kayak with completely neutral handling in all wind conditions. Pointing into the wind is generally safer than the alternative which could lead to the kayak being blown onto shore with little control.

By NoAstronomer (not verified) on 25 Aug 2010 #permalink

If your frozen breast milk tastes like soap and pennies, scald it before freezing to prevent this foul taste from occurring.

By Elaine Ellerton (not verified) on 25 Aug 2010 #permalink

P != NP

I want to know how any of the above commenters know that Chad doesn't know their facts.

I know Chad doesn't know mine, because nobody knows it for sure.

An order by King Richard II said that the names of towns along the River Trent in England had to start with the letter S. After he was overthrown many towns, like Snottingham, removed the S. Scunthorpe did not.

So Chad, are you going to tell us what you learned today?

@ Bob O'H: that one is false.

Nottingham had lost the initial 'S' from its name (which derives from a Saxon chieftain named Snot, a fact which is a source of continual amusement to local schoolchildren) long before Richard II's time. I haven't been able to pin down the date of the change of spelling very closely, but the S is clearly present in the Domesday Book (1086) and equally clearly absent in archived documents from circa 1300.

Other towns on the Trent have never had names starting with S, for example Newark.

By Andrew G. (not verified) on 26 Aug 2010 #permalink

Of the 50 US states, the one with the fewest indigenous species of orchids is...Hawaii (with three). Nevada, for example, has 7-14, depending on one's source.

The "Ark of the Covenant" referred to in the christian bible is a perfect capacitor.

By Alan Bombria (not verified) on 27 Aug 2010 #permalink

There is a town in Newfoundland named Dildo.

A Canadian politician named Stockwell Day was the subject of an Internet petition calling upon him to change his first name to Doris. The petition garnered over 100,000 signatures.

By plum grenville (not verified) on 27 Aug 2010 #permalink

I'm 99.99% sure you won't know this one:

Victor Mattfield, arguably the greatest lock in history, will play his 100th Test for the Springboks today...

(ephraim at purdue is known for measuring that solar events effect radioactivity here on earth..

Subject: proving phase conjugate dielectrics(fractal field like the solar field) regulate radioactivity
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 00:51:17 +0200
CC: jean paul


I build
phase conjugate dielectrics ( so called 'fractal field'

which are bioactive - increase growth
(as was nassim haramein's gravity device)

more growth effects in my other invention(s)

It is clear that - this (centripetal) 'pyraphi' field effect- phase
conjugate dielectric
in addition to adding
centripetal force to growing plants (life force)

will modulate radioactivity

(as did the ark of the covenant -
also as did focused human attention- per uri geller's measures)

I have based the design of this capacitor (pyraphi)
on my new equation for hydrogen radii and frequency

both as to scale, ratio, and frequency signature

so its capacitance like the sun- will adjust radioactive decay
will you help -me measure the effect on decay rate?

dan winter
cc: jean paul biberian- collaborator- with EU fusion research

related reading:
how phase conjugation of dielectric causes gravity (centripetal charge) :

I know you've read the Malazan books, so may be you haven't caught this:

Hello all.

In a response I just posted on the Life As A Human site (not in the last installment, the one before that, I think, the one with 30-odd comments), I described my feeling as if I have staggered out from under an enormous burden. And it was last week, on my facebook page, when I announced the closure of an adventure that has spanned almost thirty years of my life, from those wild ambitions of youth â all that manic gaming with Cam where we forged an entire world from our imaginations and from all that inspired us from the literary genre of Fantasy â to this ageing man stumbling free, finally, not yet ready to look back, not yet capable of making sense of all this, and it may be that I never will.

I look out the window on my left now, onto the High Street of Falmouth, watching the crowds moving back and forth, and it was while seated on this leather sofa about a week ago that I wrote the last line of The Crippled God, saying goodbye to the most extensive story I will ever tell. Iâve since joked that my next project is a twenty-four volume saga set in the same world, chronicling the life of a character from birth to seven years of age, whereupon said character is jailed for being a career criminal. Called The Malazan Book of the Felon. Flippancy can be a useful defense mechanism, for a while, but eventually the silence returns.

On the speakers here in Mango Tango, Dylan asks âHow does it feel?â and that acerbic tone invites derision, in my case self-directed, as if a voice inside wants to say âbig deal. Besides, mate, the best is now behind you.â And Iâm reminded of the last poem in the book, which invites something very different, as if to answer my self-doubts with a caustic regard for the willfully blind. What do I mean with all that? Wait and see. As for me, the willful blindness persists, and I see nothing ahead and nothing behind. Iâm empty, and it feels all right.

I often remind myself that The Malazan Book of the Fallen will never challenge the bestsellers within the genre; will never achieve the broad appeal of, say, The Lord of the Rings, or even The Wheel of Time. But still, I feel an immense gratitude for the readers I have found â for you who participate on this site and for all the lurkers staying in the shadows. We have been in conversation for some time now, you and me, sharing an investment in time and energy; and while I have been the one in the know when you have speculated and wondered, the time is coming when the roles will reverse â when I am the one who can only look on, not knowing what is coming next, as you (hopefully) continue to explore the series, with all the authority that only fans can achieve.

So, I have already begun my wait. To see what you think. What you feel. To see all that you take from these books, and to see what you will make of them. Forgive me if I stay in the shadows. But this is now yours, not mine. And that is as it should be.

With gratitude,

Steven Erikson

By Buddhacat (not verified) on 28 Aug 2010 #permalink