Links for 2010-09-10


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Swans on Tea » Blogging: You're Doing it Wrong! (Part III) "Completely unrelated to this was a session called "How Can We Maintain High Journalism Standards on the Web," and it was attended mostly by the professionals. Most of the session focused on ethics standards and disclosure and avoiding…
Bill Simmons: World Cup's 20 questions - ESPN "Question No. 9: But you'd still love the NBA to incorporate the yellow/red card system for flagrant fouls and technical fouls, correct? Sure. Much better than an official leaning over a scorer's table and telling them what the technical or flagrant…
Stopping atoms A "coil-gun" method for slowing atomic beams without lasers, from the Raizen group at Texas (tags: physics low-temperature science atoms) Confessions of a Community College Dean: An Open Letter to Mayor Richard M. Daley The Dean Dad is less polite to Hizzoner than I was (tags:…
slacktivist: Establishment "Here is what the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says about religion: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..." Sometimes a comma is just a comma and not a vast chasm separating two…