Links for 2010-11-15

  • "I've written toward a master's degree in cognitive psychology, a Ph.D. in sociology, and a handful of postgraduate credits in international diplomacy. I've worked on bachelor's degrees in hospitality, business administration, and accounting. I've written for courses in history, cinema, labor relations, pharmacology, theology, sports management, maritime security, airline services, sustainability, municipal budgeting, marketing, philosophy, ethics, Eastern religion, postmodern architecture, anthropology, literature, and public administration. I've attended three dozen online universities. I've completed 12 graduate theses of 50 pages or more. All for someone else."

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Dawkins does know how to tweak the fluffy little wankers, that's for sure. He is suggesting that universities ought to dismantle their theology departments! We who doubt that "theology" is a subject at all, or who compare it with the study of leprechauns, are eagerly hoping to be proved wrong. Of…
Not the financial market, but the market for highly trained folks in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In particular, why do people keep talking about the need for a larger talent pool in STEM when so many Ph.D.s and postdocs are having a rough time finding permanent…
Sean Carroll points out that physics and math degree holders have the highest LSAT scores. There's the classic chicken or egg issue implied here: does physics make you smart, or do only smart people manage to complete a degree in physics? I think it is more the latter. How individuals in various…
NASA - LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites "NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, has returned its first imagery of the Apollo moon landing sites. The pictures show the Apollo missions' lunar module descent stages sitting on the moon's surface, as long shadows from a low sun angle make the…

A maddening article. Mr. "Dante" bewails the state of education which allows such blatantly unqualified students to go to college and even grad school while admitting that he writes application essays.

This kind of cheating has been going on for a while. One of my high school classmates was widely reputed to have "earned" the best grades money could buy (he went on to become an MD--pray you never need to go to the hospital in the county where he now lives). The internet has made it easier for ghostwriters like Mr. "Dante" to find clients, but people like him were around in my student days, and I don't see any way to eliminate the temptation.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 15 Nov 2010 #permalink