Links for 2010-11-23

  • "This weekend The Girl got hit by a nasty stomach bug, so nobody got much sleep and our Sunday plans were discombobulated. It brought back memories of those times when TW still worked outside the house, and we had to do the Sick Kid Shuffle.

    When your kid normally goes to daycare, a sick kid is a major crisis. Suddenly your first line of defense is down, since you can't take a sick kid to daycare. (I've seen parents try it, though.) Most days, we had to choose among several imperfect options:"

  • "To compile our list of the most effective feeder colleges, we researched the background of more than 5,000 students starting at more than a dozen top business, law and medical schools this fall, including names like Harvard Law and the Wharton MBA. Our survey canvassed grad-school admissions offices, spoke to officials at more than 50 colleges and in some cases counted up kids one by one in student "face book" directories. Then we put it all together, factoring in the class size at each of the undergraduate colleges so that small schools wouldn't be penalized."

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