Thursday Toddler Blogging 123010

I nearly forgot to post tonight's Toddler Blogging photos, which would've been a Bad Thing, as you can tell from this picture. Toddler Blogging is Serious Business:


That's not the best Appa-for-scale picture, but I love the intense look on her face. This was taken in our spiffy, newly refinished basement, which is the new permanent home of SteelyKid's kitchen:


Here, she is holding forth on the virtues of chili powder. Appa's perched on the back of the futon we have down there, because he's not entirely convinced about her cooking.

You can get a better sense of the room, and the SteelyKitchen, from this picture taken yesterday:


Since daddy is a dope and broke his ankle taking out the trash, Grandma and Grandpa were good enough to come up and help move the furniture into the basement yesterday. They stuck around for tea and cookies a la SteelyKid, hence this picture.

And yes, we are aware that this is a very, very white room at the moment. We plan to do something to break up the Matrix Reloaded effect soon, but there are still a few things that need to be finished down there.

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