Links for 2011-02-16

  • "I don't remember exactly when I first read the Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the Silmarillion, but it was at least 30 years ago. I've re-read them all (plus "Unfinished Tales" and the recently published "The Children of Hurin") dozens of times, and spent way more time than I would like to admit reading about Tolkien's world on various websites.
    None of this time has gotten me anything other than some personal satisfaction and a nagging guilty feeling. But I now have another place to feed my Tolkien obsession. One enterprising and creative Eph is using his interest in Tolkien to make a name for himself and further his academic career. Corey Olsen '96, a tenured professor of English at Washington College in Chestertown, MD has branded himself The Tolkien Professor."

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PZ, Bora, Orac, John, and others have all put up posts about a list of the 50 most significant Science Fiction and Fantasy works of the last fifty years. As the reigning Geek-Lord of ScienceBlogs, I figured that I had to weigh in as well. Here's the list: the one's that I've read are bold-faced…
The brand new just published (June 1) book Beren and Lúthien presents the story of the human (or should I say "Man"?) Beren Erchamion, or "The One-Handed" (AKA Beren Camlost, for "the Empty Handed") and the Elf-maiden Lúthien Tinúviel. If you read The Lord of the Rings you may recall Aragorn…
Confessions of a Community College Dean: "It's Just a Job" vs. "We're All in This Together" "[T]here's been a fascinating exchange in blogland between Tenured Radical and Dr. Crazy. Both addressed the ways that budget issues are being discussed at their respective colleges. Stipulating upfront…
Folks: This is the first in a series of posts in which I am going to be republishing, to this blog, old articles of mine that I think are pretty good but that are no longer available online. I want to have a record of my work here, and this seems a reasonable way to do it. So, enjoy. The Ring and…