Links for 2011-03-26


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Confessions of a Community College Dean: Teaching Governance "As an administrator, I'm constantly struck by the unacknowledged contradiction among many faculty between "consult us in all things" and "back off and leave us alone." It's not that I don't understand the impulse; depending on local…
Torontoist: ROAWR...Pop! Best. Balloon Animal. EVER. (tags: dinosaurs animals art silly pictures) Built on Facts : Charging the Earth "Gravity couldn't hold lint to your shirt in a million years." (tags: physics math gravity science blogs) Confessions of a Community College Dean: In Which I…
The gallery of failed atomic models, 1903-1913 « Skulls in the Stars " Most people in physics are taught Thomson's 'plum pudding' model of the atom, but a little investigating* turned up no less than eight distinct pictures of atomic structure." (tags: physics science atoms history blogs)…