Links for 2011-05-08

  • ""So," I said, "what the heck. Why not try republishing some of our short stories in electronic versions? All the cool kids are doing it...."     
    "Why not" included the fact that we didn't have electronic text versions of many of our stories. Stuff that only exists on a 3.5" Atari ST disk (or a 5.25" Atari 800 disk), and we think we saw the disk sometime in 1993, aren't easily converted to e-book formats. But, we're doing it. Fifteen stories so far (roughly half of our corpus), with more to come.

    These are promulgating across the world of e-publishing even as we speak; some are available on the Nook, for example; I'm told that others may be in the Apple store, or as apps for assorted mobile phones and such."

  • "You know that phrase, "Ignorance is bliss"? There's a reason it's stuck around all these years. Because having the upper hand in intelligence might give you an advantage in some areas, like crossword puzzle solving and quantum physics-ing, but it also might just screw up your life forever."

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