Links for 2011-05-19

  • "The authors of two recent studies of laptops and classroom learning decided that relying on student and professor testimony would not do. They decided instead to spy on students.

    In one study, a St. John's University law professor hired research assistants to peek over students' shoulders from the back of the lecture hall. In the other, a pair of University of Vermont business professors used computer spyware to monitor their students' browsing activities during lectures.

    The authors of both papers acknowledged that their respective studies had plenty of flaws (including possibly understating the extent of non-class use). But they also suggested that neither sweeping bans nor unalloyed permissions reflect the nuances of how laptops affect student behavior in class. "

  • "Q: But are you a viable candidate?

    A: Have you seen the field? At this point, it's basically me and Tim Pawlenty, and that's just sad. Besides, I've got plenty of Republican bona fides. I'm a balding middle-aged heterosexual white guy who thinks Sarah Palin is kinda hot. I'll fit right in!

    Q: Do you have any electoral experience?

    A: Nope. I can run as an outsider! They love that stuff."


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