Links for 2011-06-03


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The automatic blog posting that usually produces the daily links dump posts here has been broken during the recent ScienceBlogs upgrade. The links dump posts from last Thursday on didn't happen, but we've kludged up a way to get that material back. These are the links that should've…
Axe Cop He's a cop, with an axe. His partner is a cop with a flute-- no, a dinosaur soldier-- no, an avocado. Can you tell this was written by a five-year-old? (tags: comics silly internet art kid-stuff) Malkin Grey's LiveJournal - Why Writers Go Nuts, Exhibit Number One Million and Something. "…
Amazon's $23,698,655.93 book about flies "A few weeks ago a postdoc in my lab logged on to Amazon to buy the lab an extra copy of Peter Lawrence's The Making of a Fly - a classic work in developmental biology that we - and most other Drosophila developmental biologists - consult regularly. The…
Sunday Conversation: The case for Pluto | SciGuy | - Houston Chronicle The controversy just never ends... (tags: science astronomy planets media blogs) Chromoscope How the Milky Way looks at a variety of different wavelengths. (tags: astronomy space science pictures physics galaxies…