I'll Take "Hobbies Less Acceptable Than Blogging" for $1000, Alex

Via Inside Higher Ed, a professor in New Jersey took the whole social media thing to the next level:

A Fairleigh Dickinson University physics professor is in custody for allegedly running a prostitution website involving about 200 women and more than 1,200 johns, police said Monday.

David Flory of New York City, who teaches on the FDU-Metropolitan campus in Teaneck, was arrested Sunday while sitting in a Starbucks in Albuquerque, N.M., said Lt. William Roseman of the Albuquerque police. Flory, who ran the site mostly from New York, owned a vacation home in Santa Fe, N.M., Roseman said.

Flory was charged with 40 counts of promoting prostitution and other charges. He was being held in Albuquerque on $100,000 bail late Monday.

I suppose it makes a certain kind of sense. After all, the World Wide Web was invented by physicists at CERN, and physicists pioneered open-access online publishing with the arxiv...

Of course, Flory didn't have all the details down:

Flory told police he did not make money off of the website and instead saw it as a hobby

Prostitution: You're doing it wrong.

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The guys at CERN didn't make any money put of inventing it either (the net not sex).

How different from Hansen, Pachauri, Gore and Jones who are doing rather well out of their invention.

You do realize that, much like online gambling, this is illegal only in the US. Most other countries have moved on from late Victorian ethics (a time when oddly enough prostitution was legal in most of the US).

The guys at CERN didn't make any money put of inventing it either (the net not sex).

How different from Hansen, Pachauri, Gore and Jones who are doing rather well out of their invention.