Links for 2011-06-23


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The National Oral History - Grantland "The National Sports Daily, on the one hand, is a long-dead and short-lived newspaper that, for 18 months, between January of 1990 and June of 1991, attempted to cover sports in a way that no other American publication would, could, or had ever even imagined…
Academics for Mere Politicians | Wired Science | "It's not personal, and it's not business This is a big one (that is why I put it first). A university isn't a business in the normal sense. Oh sure, they bring in money and they spend money. From the outside, it is easy to mistake it for…
Which Traits Predict Success? (The Importance of Grit) | Wired Science | "For a long time, talent seemed to be about inheritance, about the blessed set of genes that gave rise to some particular skill. Einstein had the physics gene, Beethoven had the symphony gene, and Tiger Woods (at…
A Science Fair Project about Science Fairs | Wired Science | "I can't say no. People ask me to be a science fair judge. If they have good food, I am there. Of course there are problems with the science fair. Students tend to focus on non-important things like the materials they used.…