Links for 2012-02-17

  • Xpress Reviews: Nonfiction | First Look at New Books, February 17, 2012 -- Library Journal Reviews

    Playing Gracie Allen to Orzel's George Burns is the endearing Emmy, the canine star of his previous book. No matter whether Emmy thinks she will be younger by pulling fast on her leash or that she will suddenly fit through a hole in the fence by running as fast as she can toward it, Orzel talks her (and readers) through the principles of relativity, including time dilation and length contraction. No prior mathematical knowledge is required for this book, but some basic knowledge in physics might make readers more comfortable, even if that knowledge comes from watching or reading other popular science titles. Verdict Readers who enjoy Michio Kaku, Brian Greene, or Neil deGrasse Tyson will love this book. Full of sf quotes, math jokes, and silly canines, the book strives to make its audience amazed by, not frightened of, physics. With exuberant Emmy at the lead, readers can't help but be dragged (willingly!) toward a better understanding of special and general relativity.

  • Linsanity: There Goes the Neighborhood -- Floyd Mayweather's tweet, the Williams sisters, and Jeremy Lin - Grantland

    If we, as blacks, truly believe the idea that basketball is our sport, Linsanity is the perfect wake-up call. The honeymoon is over, and as a black guy, I couldn't be happier.


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