Links for 2012-03-13

  • Fair Is Foul, But Fouling's Unfair - The Triangle Blog - Grantland

    I would always prefer that the trailing team receive an opportunity to tie the game by hitting a shot from the floor. It's superior in every way: It doesn't force anyone to awkwardly miss a free throw on purpose, it's more dramatic than a bunch of guys trying to convert an offensive rebound, it entails more skill than chance, and it seems closer to the core principles of the game (i.e., making shots on offense and not creating contact on defense). This being the case, I think the NCAA (and perhaps the NBA) should consider a rule change for next season:

  • On Peyton Manning, LeBron's murse, and the month in sports style - Grantland

    [N]o press conference in any sport has ever made me feel as if I were watching a Hollywood movie turned upside down. The goodly protagonist arrives at the closing credits with nothing. His brother wins it all (again), and Peyton must bear the awkward arrangement of standing before the country while his employer explains why he's now his former employer. That, of course, is Manning's power: a wealthy man and legendary quarterback from a football family who, as a guy, seems sympathetically, understandably average. In sending Manning on his way, Irsay said something important. No matter what happens to Manning professionally, we won't experience his like again. He was talking about football (the no. 18 jersey's been retired by the Colts). But that's also true of the Manning brand. He has no style. For a man of his stature, in this sport, in this era, that's almost as incredible an achievement as his football.

  • Awesome Things Kids Do: The Modeling Comic | LEARNINGANDPHYSICS

    A couple of weeks ago my classes delved into modeling for the first time. I had students write reflections about the process (post coming soon), and one student included this with his reflection. Too awesome not to post.


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