How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog Publicity Update

A couple of cool items in the promotion of How to Teach Relativity to Your Dog:

-- A little while back, I spoke to Alan Boyle, who writes the Cosmic Log blog for MSNBC, who posted a very nice story about the book last night. Mainstream media, baby!

It also uses this very cool picture of Emmy and me in my lab:


(Many thanks to Matt Milless for taking that and a bunch of others.)

-- This weekend (either Saturday or Sunday, depending on where you are), I'll be on the Science Fantastic radio show, talking about relativity with Michio Kaku. There's a lsit of stations that carry it linked from that page, or you can listen online (this site purports to let you stream it, but I haven't tried yet.

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Alan Boyle, Science Editor for, was kind enough to answer questions about science in the mainstream media after the fallout of the coverage of the Chilean earthquake. Alan Boyle, science editor for Alan has been with since 1996, covering science and technology. He has…

I love the expression on Emmy's face in that photo. It's like she's saying, "Dude, you're not seriously going to run electricity through that thing, are you? This isn't gonna end well..."

By Sebastian Thaler (not verified) on 20 Mar 2012 #permalink

I love the expression on Chad's face in that photo. He's clearly thinking, "I can't believe you talked me into letting my dog stand a foot away from my expensive and sensitive vacuum chamber."

I think Emmy's worried that a vacuum chamber is going to sound like a vacuum cleaner. I think Chad's worried about what might look like a chew toy.

By David Owen-Cruise (not verified) on 20 Mar 2012 #permalink