Uncertain Dots, Episode 4

I didn't advertise it heavily this time, but Rhett and I did another G+ hangout yesterday, and the video is online now:

We talked for a while about the wonders and importance of VPython coding (including some "Oh, I should totally do that..." moments), where we get post ideas (including a discussion of luge physics), briefly about how we put stuff together for posts, and a bit more about physics education research and why it's really difficult.

I had hoped to throw together a quick post about the luge thing for today, but that's probably not going to happen, so you'll have to settle for the video for now. Apologies for the poor quality on my end; I may try to do the next one at my office on campus, to see if the additional bandwidth fixes things.

As always, if you have questions or suggestions of something we ought to do, leave them in the comments, or tweet them at us.

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