Quantum Physics for Dogs at Jefferson Lab: TOMORROW

I've been remiss in my self-promotional duties, but I'm giving a public lecture tomorrow night in Newport News, VA, as part of the Jefferson Lab Science Series. This will be my traditional "What Every Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics" talk, with the sad addition of a slide honoring the late, great Queen of Niskayuna (visible as the "featured image" with this post). This isn't the first dog-physics talk I've given since her death in December, but the previous one was the relativity talk, which has less Emmy-specific content. This one includes one of the video clips I made around a dog dialogue from the book:

That's going to be a little hard to watch...

The talk was also written up in the local paper down there, which is always nice. And I'm looking forward to getting a tour of the JLab facilities. Assuming, of course, that the airline actually gets me there, which is no sure thing. Though my change of planes in Charlotte might be less of a problem than anticipated-- I was fully expecting the Panthers to win big at the Super Bowl last night, and have their team plane come in at the same time as my flight...

Anyway, if you're in that part of the world and free for the evening, stop by and hear some dog physics.

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