Kevin Smith on the "new" Superman movie

So back in college, Kevin Smith came to talk to us. It has to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen. He came with no prepared material and spoke expositorily for about 4 hours, just telling stories. All of his stories were absolutely hilarious, and he is just a really personable guy. He was very unpretentious for someone who has become as famous as he has. Anyway, about a year later, a DVD was released that has footage of him doing this all over the nation.

On the DVD, he tells the story of how he was asked to write a new Superman movie, and his interactions with the producer of the now released Superman movie, Jon Peters. I say "new" because the script that he wrote was not the one used in Superman Returns. The description is related to all the weird things that Peters wanted him to put in, like giant robotic spiders.

Anyway, I am happy to see that it ended up on YouTube. This has got to be one of the funniest stories I have ever heard. WARNING: Vulgar language.

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This is so funny. I was at a meeting in Hollywood where Kevin Smith recounted the very same 'spider' stories. He was hilarious. (this was 1999) I really respect him as a writer/director, even when I don't like all his movies.

He's a funny, personable guy--and his stories about 'Superman' were superb.

By John Farrell (not verified) on 14 Jul 2006 #permalink

Sometimes (like when I hear this sort of story) I wonder how stuff ever gets done in Hollywood. Then I go see a movie and I have my answer: poorly. (Though I must say that Singer managed to keep Superman from being TOO sucky.)