Steven Pinker on the Colbert Report

Harvard Psychologist Steven Pinker was on the Colbert Report. Priceless. Videos under the fold:

Part 1

Part 2


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I've got a review of Pinker's latest in The Washington Post: Language comes so naturally to us that it's easy to believe there's some sort of intrinsic logic connecting the thing and its name, the signifier and the signified. In one of Plato's dialogues, a character named Cratylus argues that "a…

"It's a complicated subject, but - How does the brain work? in five words or less?"

Hard question! Fair play to Pinker for coming up with an answer!

I can't believe I missed this episode! Luckily my advisor was surfing around and found it on your blog. Small world eh?

Thanks for this gem.

Very funny. Thanks for putting this up. A week ago, I wrote a post about a lecture that Steven Pinker gave at my school. I'm going to update the post with a link to yours (my post).

Steven Pinker gave two talks at TED that are well worth a look. Look him up at