Ghost Rider: A Short Review

i-5c165dd2efdec21036e8b26d69178838-ghost_rider.jpgI saw Ghost Rider last night, and I have a brief review:

In this movie, there are many farcical things: demons, irrational property damage from physics-flouting motorcycles, Nicholas Cage's acting, etc. However, the most flagrant absurdity -- the most laughably impossible event -- is when Nicholas Cage's character turns down a sexually willing Eva Mendes and unceremoniously shows her the door.

In the physical universe that we presently inhabit there is no conceivable way that a heterosexual male would behave in that manner. It is practically a law of nature.

Frankly, it put a pall over the entire film.


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I am Ghost Rider I will Kill you all In your sleep!
I'm not a homosexual I will rip all of your faces off
ecxpect my love ********** she will be with me in my heart always forever /\ /\
cause everytime we touch I get this feeling and everytime we kiss I'll reach 4 the sky!

By Ghost Rider (not verified) on 12 May 2009 #permalink