Caffeinated soap?

For those of you who don't have time to shower and have a cup of coffee (or who have failed miserably to do those things simultaneously), why not consider caffeinated soap:

Tired of waking up and having to wait for your morning java to brew? Are you one of those groggy early morning types that just needs that extra kick? Know any programmers who dont regularly bathe and need some special motivation? Introducing Shower Shock, the original and world's first caffeinated soap from ThinkGeek. When you think about it, ShowerShock is the ultimate clean buzz ;)


Shower Shock is an all vegetable based glycerine soap which does *not* contain any harsh ingredients like ethanol, diethanolamine, polyethylene glycol or cocyl isethionate. So it's a gently invigorating soap ;) Scented with peppermint oil and infused with caffeine anhydrous, each bar of Shower shock contains approximately 12 servings/showers per 4 ounce bar with 200 milligrams of caffeine per serving. No, we're not kidding and no you don't eat it. The caffeine is absorbed through the skin... (Emphasis mine.)

Yeah, it really doesn't have any harsh ingredients -- except of course the anhydrous caffeine.

Now, if they could only figure out how to mix my breakfast cereal with my shampoo, I would be totally set.

Hat-tip: Reuters.

UPDATE: Shelley has more.


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I've seen caffeine in soaps and creams outside the US... in anti-cellulite creams and soaps. They never claimed to have an effect similar to coffee.

I have heard about coffee soap instead of caffeine soap. Actually, coffee and bergamot orange herbal soap. Perhaps oil from coffee bean can be used to make soap.