Encephalon #24


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Encephalon #24 is up on The Phineas Gage Fan Club
This week's edition of Encephalon and an email from the Neurophilosopher has reminded me that I've been rather negligent of my blogroll lately. I believe a blogroll should represent the sites a blogger visits frequently; it's an invitation into that blogger's community. Surely you'd get a sense of…
Encephalon has a particularly good crop of brainy goodness this issue, so let's get started. Mind Hacks looks at a fascinating case of a man with unstoppable hiccups because he has Parkinson's disease. Neuroscientifically Challenged looks at the possibility of using a nanopolymer from sea…
Encephalon #12 is up at AlphaPsy. The Neurophilosopher has a cool article on Phineas Gage -- a patient that is often used as an example in neuroscience classes because he had a railroad spike tamping iron go through his head and cause personality changes. The Mungers at Cognitive Daily are…