In Breast-related News...

This falls into the rather broad category of things I will post but about which I will not comment. This is in part because I think the results are relatively self-explanatory. Maybe it is because I am a big prude. But mostly it is just because I am not touching this. No way...not with a ten-foot pole... (Just visualize me trying to decide whether I should put a photo of cleavage in this post.)

Anyway, here is your brief synopsis of breast-related news:

ABC details an interview with Elisabeth Squires, author of Boobs: A Guide to Your Girls, wherein she discusses appropriate cleavage for the workplace. Money quote:

What looks sexy for a night out on the town may not be appropriate in the workplace. In fact, Squires said cleavage should never make an appearance in the office.

"It's way too big of a distraction for men and women," she said. "If cleavage isn't in your job description, don't put it in."

From where I am standing, cleavage has not been a large issue in lab work. Perhaps it is the possibility of toxic chemicals, but most people I know -- men and women -- wear the grungiest, most-covering clothes they own to lab.

Incidentally, in reference to this article Ann Althouse has some truly hysterical comments such as "Okay, so night time is the 'prime time' (for cleavage). Clearly, there are other times. What are they? Hanging about cafés in the summertime? Catching a light lunch with a former President? We need to know."

The article cites two papers in relation to breast size and public perception.

Koff and Benavage look at how breast size makes women feel about themselves. Main conclusion: "Over and above the effect of weight preoccupation, smaller perceived breast size was associated with lower breast size satisfaction and with more positive body image, while larger size was associated with higher breast size satisfaction and with less positive body image." Message: Be happily average.

Tantleff-Dunn looks at how breast size changes how women are perceived. Women don't care, but men rate women of average size higher on social and professional characteristics. (Sadly both articles are behind subscription walls.)

So there you go...have at it...

Hat-tip: Daniel Drezner.

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Thank you for keeping us abreast of this very important issue. It certainly deserves a closer look, and of course more hands on experience could be extremely relevant. However, your research failed to determine whether or not more than a mouthful is indeed a waste, as has been hypothesized, so clearly the thrust of deeper research in the future should be more fully developed along these lines.